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ear ring造句

"ear ring"是什么意思  
  • Another punch makes his ear ring .
  • I can ' t hear . are your ears ringing ? - no
    我听不见。你的耳朵嗡嗡响吗? -没有啊
  • The music was so loud it made my ears ring
  • - i can ' t hear . are your ears ringing ? - no
    -我听不见。你的耳朵嗡嗡响吗? -没有啊
  • Oh , you are wearing ear rings ! when did you have your ears pierced
  • I ‘ 11 take some blood from your ear . please take off your ear ring
  • Doctor : what ' s the pitch of your ear ringing ? is it in high or in low tones
  • At the same instant a flash of flame dazed his eyes , and a roar , a hiss , and a crash set his ears ringing
  • The nypd , however , has said they won ' t be using the $ 35 , 000 tool to make people ' s ears ring , but only as a communication device
    然而nypd ,曾说他们将不会用这$ 35 , 000的工具以使人民的耳朵响,而仅仅做为一种交流工具。
  • My heart pounds . my legs ache . my ears ring . my vision is obscured by the sweat running into my eyes - - but there ' s no time to wipe it away
    我的心强烈打击。我的腿痛。我的耳朵戒指。我的视野进入我的眼睛之内被汗阴暗赛跑- -但是没有时间擦它离开。
  • It's difficult to see ear ring in a sentence. 用ear ring造句挺难的
  • The taste of blood and bone and sinew was on his tongue , and his ears rang to the song of the hundred cousins , but he had lost his other brother , grey - furred and smelling of the sun
  • A 、 head wear , plastron and trinket serial products with all kinds of material and novel design ; finger ring and necklace serial products ; foot ornament , adornment and article decoration serial products ; ear ring and waist decoration products ; chain ornament franchise store ; decoration accessories ; tie clip ; mobile phone decorations ; eyeglasses ; related machinery equipments etc
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